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The example below shows two fields, AS_Subkey and ASubcriberNumber have been masked for the UDR.

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Data Masking Fields


Only users with write access to Data Veracity will be able to manage the Data Masking Fields rules and be able to view the masked data.

Adding New Data Masking Rules

In the Data Veracity – Data Masking Fields page, click the New Data Masking_NewImage Removed Data Masking_NewImage Addedbutton on the right. You will be prompted to select the UDR Type and Masked Fields.Data Veracity_Masked FieldsImage Removed

Data Veracity_Masked FieldsImage Added

Data Veracity - Masked Fields

UDR Type

Allows you to choose from a list of UDRs that are declared in your Data Veracity profile. From the example below, we have multiple UDR Types, namely MainUDR, anotherUDR, MySubUDR and SecondNested.

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Data Veracity - Selecting UDR Types

Masked Fields

Upon selecting a UDR Type, the Masked Fields will be populated with all the UDR fields that are in the UDR type. You can choose to add a single field, multiple fields or even all the fields available in the UDR by clicking from the dropdown list. You will also be able to select the fields within any nested UDRs that are available in the chosen UDR Type.


When selecting fields for one UDR Type, the masking will only apply to the field within that selected UDR Type.

As an example, we have MainUDR and inside this UDR structure is subUDR. From the UDR Type, you have selected MainUDR and the Masked Fields, you have selected the field named myStringField from the parent UDR and sub_date1 and sub_long in subUDR. When you perform a Data Veracity Search using MainUDR, you will find the field properly masked. However, should you search using subUDR instead, the field will not be masked. You will have to create a Data Mask entry with UDR Type set to subUDR with the field also selected to be able to mask the field in both scenarios.

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Example Data Veracity - Selecting Masked Fields



Only one Data Masking rule can be created per UDR type at any one time.

Editing a Data Masking Rule

Data masking rules can be edited when there are new fields to be added into the Masked Fields list. To edit a data masking rule, you can select one entry and then click on the Edit button.

You will be prompted with the pop-up where you can add more masked fields or remove already masked fields from the entry. 

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Data Veracity - Editing Masked Fields

When you click Save Masked Fields, the selected entry will be updated.

Deleting a Data Masking Rule

Data masking rules can only be deleted from the Data Masking Fields web interface. Deleting a Data masking rule here will remove it completely from Data Veracity.

To delete a rule, you can select one or many rules at once and then click on the Delete button on the top right corner of the table.

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Data Veracity - Data Masking Rule Deletion

Upon deletion, you will be prompted with a message asking if you would want to delete the selected rules. If you click OK, the selected rules will be deleted

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Data Veracity - Data Masking Rule Deletion confirmation dialog

You can also click on the Image Removed Image Addedbutton to remove that particular data masking rule. Where you will also receive a similar prompt to confirm your deletion.Image Removed

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Data Veracity - Data Masking Rule Deletion confirmation prompt.
