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  • Using the right GUI components, such as check boxes with valid options instead of a text box input, makes it impossible to enter invalid input.
  • If the validateInput callback in the UI returns a string that is not null, this text will be displayed as a validation error to the user. If your checks are correct, return the value from the superclass' validateInput method.
  • The configuration will be validated against the configuration contract's validation rules for each field.
  • The validationErrorFound callback allows you to configure the GUI to display invalid fields directly to the user, which is useful if multiple tabs or other complex GUI elements have been included.
  • The validate callback in the Inspectable class is intended for checking agent external dependencies, such as availability of MIMs published by other agents, or that selected profiles exist. Ensure that the superclass' validation method is used.
  • The validateFields callback is given an actual workflow, i e the merge of the workflow configuration with values from the workflow table. This callback can be used to validate field values against each other. For example if you have a min and max range, the validateFields callback can be used for checking that max value is larger than or equal to the min value.


When the mouse pointer rests on a agent, the Workflow Template displays a tooltip text, aiming to contain a subset of the most important configuration values and, optionally, the current transaction data of the agent. The latter is only necessary if it is useful to the user.

The involved method is getConfigTooltip. This must be implemented either in the Inspectable class, or be defined in the configuration contract file. Otherwise the tooltip displays Not Configured in the tooltip, although it may be configured. The Java class generated from the contract file will also contain a getConfigTooltip method. Both methods return an array list containing string pairs as label, value, label, value, etc. 

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