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The LDAP functions allow you to connect to an LDAP, using anonymous or simple authentication, modify and delete entries or perform searches based on names, and filters, and explicitly define what attributes to be returned. The LDAP functions use connection pooling for best performance.


Set the property in the cell.conf or the relevant Execution Context <pico>.conf, depending on where the workflow is executed.

Idle Connection Timeout

By default a connection remains within a pool in an idle state for five minutes before it is closed. To set the amount of time in milliseconds, set the property com.sun.jndi.ldap.connect.pool.timeout in the cell.conf or the relevant Execution Context <pico>.conf, depending on where the workflow is executed.


Creates a connection towards an LDAP server, using either anonymous or simple authentication. This function is usually invoked in the initialize block.


titleExample - LDAP APL Plugins

Code Block
// Demonstration of LDAP APL plugin functions

// The following code shows the following:
// 1) How to open a LDAP connection
// 2) How to add/delete an object to/from LDAP
// 3) How to change objects properties
// 4) How to perform different type of searches

void runDemoCode() {

  any ctx;
  string name = "DEMOUSER";
  string distinguisedName = "cn="+name;
  string error;
  list<string> attributes;
  list<ldapResult> result;

  // ==============================================
  // Opens a connection to a LDAP Server
  // ==============================================
  ctx = ldapCreate("", 389, "dc=nodomain",
                   "cn=admin,dc=nodomain", "demo");    
  // ==============================================
  // Adding/Deleting/Modifying an LDAP Object
  // ==============================================
  //Adds a new person object to the LDAP Server
  attributes = listCreate(string);
  listAdd(attributes, "cn: "+name);
  listAdd(attributes, "objectClass: top");
  listAdd(attributes, "objectClass: person");
  listAdd(attributes, "sn: Test");
  listAdd(attributes, "description: Test Record");
  listAdd(attributes, "userPassword: {crypt}rkM1sTbxrERtE");
  error = ldapAdd(ctx, distinguisedName, attributes);
  if( error != null ) {
  debug("Error creating user: "+error);
  //Changes description for the created person object
  attributes = listCreate(string);
  listAdd(attributes, "description: A demo user");
  error = ldapModify(ctx, distinguisedName, "REPLACE", 
  if( error != null ) {
        debug("Error changing user description: "+error);
  //Removes user description from our person object
  attributes = listCreate(string);
  listAdd(attributes, "description: A demo user");
  error = ldapModify(ctx, distinguisedName, "REMOVE", 
  if( error != null ) {
  debug("Error removing user description: "+error);
  //Adds user description to our person object
  attributes = listCreate(string);
  listAdd(attributes, "description: a description line");
  error = ldapModify(ctx, distinguisedName, "ADD", 
  if( error != null ) {
  debug("Error adding user description: "+error);
  // Deletes our person object from the LDAP Server
  error = ldapDelete(ctx, distinguisedName);
  if( error != null ) {
  debug("Error deleting user: "+error);
  // ==============================================
  // Executing different searches against the LDAP
  // ==============================================

  // For demo purposes the LDAP tree should contain
  // two admin objects (a tree containing a backup
  // admin object).
  // Setup a filter for the search tests.
  // We are interested only in the attribute 'cn'.
  list<string> attrFilter = listCreate(string);
  listAdd(attrFilter, "cn");
  //Executes a normal search, should return size=1
  result = ldapSearch(ctx, "dc=test", "cn=admin", attrFilter);
  debug("* Normal search");
  debug("result size="+listSize(result));
  //Scoped Search Types
  //This search uses OBJECT scope, and should return size=1
  // Explanation:
  // The search only searches for a specific object, and the 
  // 'cn' attribute is returned for that object.
  result = ldapScopeSearch(ctx, "OBJECT_SCOPE", "dc=test", 
                           "cn=admin", attrFilter);
  debug("* Object Scope");
  debug("result size="+listSize(result));
  //This search uses ONELEVEL scope, and should return size=1.
  // Explanation:
  // The search executes a search on a unique level. Two objects
  // with the same name can not exists on the same level.
  result = ldapScopeSearch(ctx, "ONELEVEL_SCOPE", "dc=test",
                           "cn=admin", attrFilter);
  debug("* Onelevel Scope");
  debug("result size="+listSize(result));
  //This search uses SUBTREE scope, and should return size=2.
  // Explanation:
  // The search execute a search on sublevels, and return a
  // match for every admin object found (and we had two).
  result = ldapScopeSearch(ctx, "SUBTREE_SCOPE", "dc=test",
                           "cn=admin", attrFilter);
  debug("* Subtree Scope");
  debug("result size="+listSize(result));
// Help method that prints out the result of a ldapSearch

void printResultEntries(list <ldapResult> result)
  int resultIdx = 0;
  int resultCount = 0;
  int resultSize = listSize(result);
  while (resultCount < resultSize) {
      ldapResult entry = listGet(result, resultCount);
      debug("Name: " +;
      debug("Attribute: " + entry.attribute);
      int valueCount = 0;
      int valueSize = listSize(entry.values);
      while (valueCount < valueSize){
           debug("Value: " + listGet(entry.values, valueCount));
           valueCount = valueCount + 1;
      resultCount = resultCount + 1;

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