Change the db type to postgresql in the values.yaml file of the usage-engine-private-edition Helm chart:
Code Block usage-engine-private-edition / values.yaml: db: # derby or postgresql type: postgresql jdbcUser: mzadmin jdbcPassword: mz
[hide] Line Brake [/hide]Set the following values in the values.yaml file of the usage-engine-private-edition Helm chart:
Code Block postgres: adminPassword: <admin password> #postgres superuser password, leave blank if platform is not allowed to create database and users adminUsername: <admin username> #postgres superuser, leave blank if platform is not allowed to create database and users mzownerPassword: <mzowner password> #Password to owner of all tables in postgres db: <name of database> #postgres DB name port: 5432 #postgres DB connection port host: <host name> #postgres DB hostnam
Note title Note! The passwords In the values.yaml file: jdbcPassword, adminPassword and mzownerPassword need to be defined in clear text (and not encoded using base64) if they are going to be used. Consider using Bootstrapping System Certificates and Secrets - Private Cloud(3.0) instead.